Sunday, October 2, 2011

They don’t want to televise the revolution.

As the Occupy Wall Street movement heads into its third week, the police has cracked down heavily, arresting hundred of protestors (over 700 so far). The NYPD has pepper strayed and used excessive force on protesters and you have to go on the Internet and Youtube to see it in its entirety. The network news doesn't want any part of covering this the way they should.

Let me send a direct message to the meatheads in blue out there beating up protesters, you are middle class dumb ass. The bankers are foreclosing on your homes, they are busting your unions, they are stealing from your pension, they are robbing from your kid's future, and these protesters are speaking up for you. Stop with pepper stray and bully tactics. You drones in blue suits are doing the bidding of the people who hate your guts. These protesters are heroes.

The movement is gaining momentum and protests are shifting to Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, Boston, and Seattle. New demonstrations and protests are popping all over the country. Where is the national news? This is important stuff, we get endless streams of Arab Summer and protests over in the Middle East but they barely want to address what is going on right here.

I hope these protesters continue this, I hope more join the cause. We have a revolution going on but they dam sure do not want to televise it.

And where is Obama? Can he take a minute from raising his billion dollars for reelection to pretend like he is leading this country?

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