Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Eric Cantor

The Republican Party has seemingly lost touch with reality or at least the reality for 99% of Americans. I have written questioning how anyone who is not wealthy can actually identify with this party. Eric Cantor is one of the main reasons that I can not deal with this party.

So let’s take a look at Mr. Cantor. Eric Cantor is the U.S. Representative for Virginia’s 7th Congressional district; he has been in that role since 2001. Eric Cantor became the House Majority Leader in January 2011.

Eric Cantor blames Democrats after a bullet was fired through the window of his Richmond campaign office. This was after the Richmond police stated that after an investigation that the bullet was not intentionally fired at his office but came from random gunfire. That did not stop him from coming out and blaming the Democrats for “dangerously fanning the flames” at Republicans who voted against the health care bill.

In 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported that Cantor owns shares in a fund that would greatly benefit if U.S. Treasury bonds were to perform poorly:

Eric Cantor, the Republican Whip in the House of Representatives, bought up to $15,000 in shares of ProShares Trust Ultrashort 20+ Year Treasury ETF last December, according to his 2009 financial disclosure statement. The exchange-traded fund takes a short position in long-dated government bonds. In effect, it is a bet against U.S. government bonds—and perhaps on inflation in the future.”

Recently Cantor was to give a speech on income inequality, when he found out that 300 tickets were made availible to the public, he canceled. He thought he was going to give a speech to a bunch of supporters but when he found out that opposition could be there, he ducked out.

Time and again, this party shows their distain for the not only the American people but the people who continue to vote for Republicans. They have blocked every piece of legislation that would address tax code reform or income disparity. There are more than 300 million people in the country. 400 families control as much wealth as the bottom 160 million.

99.9% of the people voting for Cantor are part of that 160 million.

Cantor and the Republicans have blocked President Obama’s job bill. Now was the job bill perfect, no. Did it solve all the problems, no. But it would get a million people back to work, policemen, firemen, teachers, and construction workers, all would be back to work. It would help address fixing our roads and bridges, a much needed fixing.

The idea of government intervening and stimulating job growth is not something that just started with this president. The Roman empire had public works programs. Eric Cantor and the Republicans would prefer that people did not have jobs rather than work with the president. 

When you put your own self interests in place of 300 million of your fellow Americans, you are not fit to hold office. This Thanksgiving Eric Cantor will allow 60 Minutes into his home as he tries to rehab his image, his negatives are sky high. I can only hope that the American people or at least the ones in the Virginia’s 7th Congressional district don’t fall it and let’s get this guy out of office.

Mitch McConnell is next…

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