Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bloomberg has had enough.

According to the Wall Street Journal, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg raised the specter of shutting down a two-week long demonstration on Wall Street, telling protesters who are speaking out against greed and corruption that the banks deserve support.

Of course these banks that have destroyed the world's economy and has brought our country to the brink of disaster, they deserve our support. If you are one of the people who hadn't even missed a payment but had your house foreclosed on due to robo-signers, the bankers deserve your support. If you are a college graduate who can't even get a job at Arbys but you are 100k in debt, the bankers deserve your support. If you are a teacher who lost your pension due to these scams, get over it, the bankers deserve your support.

We just don't do enough for the bankers; they shouldn't have to face protest and scrutiny for robbing this country of trillions of dollars. That is so unfair to them.

Asked directly on his weekly radio show Friday whether he will allow the protesters to stay indefinitely, Bloomberg replied, “We’ll see.”

The cops have been out there pepper spraying, beating, and arresting these peaceful protesters while bankers who have pulled off the biggest heist in history are just living it up. To date, after all the evidence of fraud and corruption, not one of these scumbag bankers have been arrested.

We should all support these people out there protesting because they are actually doing something.

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