So the Tea Party people have set their sights on the Occupiers. They are going after them, they want to discredit them. What happened to this party?
The Tea Party started their movement after the bailouts of Wall Street and the outrage that these corporate fat cats got away with stealing billions of dollars, possibly trillions. They were upset that not one person from Wall Street was arrested and held accountable for their actions. Sound familiar?
That’s what the Occupiers are saying. The Tea Party has completely shifted their focus from Wall Street. The grass roots movement in the party has been completely manipulated by special interests. The Tea Party is a joke now, seen as stupid people who booed a gay soldier who was fighting in Iraq and cheered the fact that Rick Perry sleeps just fine after executing 234 people.
The Occupiers are the movement the Tea Party wished they were. While the Occupiers are out marching and protesting, the Tea Party has become the darlings of Fox News and even had their own Presidential Debate. The fact missing on these nitwits is that most of them are part of that 99%. That the causes that the Occupiers are standing up for, are also your causes.
According to a politico article:
They’re posting what they find online, like a photograph of a demonstrator apparently defecating on a cop car that has circulated widely, and are accusing the mainstream media of ignoring extremist elements.
Meanwhile, tea party groups are rallying their activist members by pointing to the new threat in pitches to raise money.
The tea party’s swift counteroffensive — which is remarkably similar to the left’s response to the fledgling conservative movement when it burst onto the scene in 2009 — suggests that the onetime rag-tag operation has matured and feels the need to protect its reputation as the nation’s leading grass-roots protest movement.
“The left is trying to create a counter force to the tea party, but it’s almost laughable that anyone is comparing the two, because they’re totally different,” said Sal Russo, chief strategist for the Tea Party Express.
So there is no doubt that the Tea Party has developed into a force, unfortunately, it’s an ignorant force.
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