Looking at the Republican Party and the positions they take, one question comes to mind. How can anyone who is not making at least 200k a year be a member of this party? When you watch the positions they have taken, including the bank bail outs which were proposed and pushed through under George Bush, they do not care about middle class America and certainly not about the poor.
Lets go back to last December when millions of Americans were looking at their unemployment benefits running out, right before the holidays, and they blackmailed the president into extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich or they wouldn’t extend the unemployment benefits. I listen to Republicans now talking about how Obama extended the Bush tax cuts, like he had a choice. The Republicans had no problems leaving millions of Americans out in the cold (literally) if they didn’t get to take care of the rich.
The Republican budget proposal back in Feb, was an all out attack on the middle class and the poor, cutting money from Pell Grants, from Head Start, from energy assistance programs, slashing social security benefits, cutting thousands of teachers, and billions cut from job training programs. The Republicans have no problems cutting all these programs so they do not have to raise the taxes of the super wealthy one penny.
The Republicans have attacked Unions, wanting to destroy the American worker’s right to collectively bargain. They want to slash job safety inspectors, food safety inspectors, and get rid of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They want the market to regulate our environmental standards, our food, and our prescription drugs. They want to go back to the days when you would drive past rivers that were brown. There is no doubt that these agencies need to be reformed because we have seen how special interest has bought the regulators who are supposed to be monitoring them. When you think about how BP spilled millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf, I don’t want to trust them to monitor themselves.
The Republicans want to privatize social security. Really? They want to give Wall Street access to all the social security funds. Can you imagine millions of Americans who lose their social security because of the bad gambles by Wall Street? What the uproar would be?
“Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, have introduced legislation to end a corporate tax break allowing corporations to deduct stock option expenses on their tax returns in amounts greater than the expenses shown on their books, thereby making the tax code more fair and cutting the budget deficit by $25 billion over 10 years.
“As middle class families struggle, corporations are sitting on record profits. If we’re going to ask working families to make sacrifices to reduce our deficit, then we should be willing to ask corporations to forgo excessive tax breaks for stock options,” Brown said. “It’s time to end these corporate earmarks and reduce our deficit.”
Guess what, they are opposed by the Republicans.
As the President announced his job bill (which isn’t perfect) but most bipartisan estimates say it will raise GDP and lower the unemployment rate by a point. That is millions of people going back to work. That is middle class Americans able to provide for their families. And the Republicans are going to block it, because they would rather have Americans lose than Obama get a win.
The Republicans act as if spending 5 cents on the American people is the worst thing they have ever heard of. They had no issues with 7 plus years of billions of dollars being spent on wars and tax breaks for the rich. They had no problem with the doubling of the deficit, but now, we can’t spend any money. The Republicans had no problem with the extension of the Bush tax cuts which cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars last December. No Republicans had a problem with all that spending, except Ron Paul.
So if you are part of the super wealthy, I can completely understand your allegiance to the Republican Party. It makes sense. They are looking out for your best interest. But for the extremely dumb Americans who get all their news from Fox News, how can you associate yourself with this party?
Do you really hate gays that much, that you will allow your future, your kid’s future, and their kid’s future to be taken away, in plain sight, just so gays can’t get married? Do you really hate other religious preferences so much that you will see your right to collective bargaining stolen from you?
This isn’t a partisan blog, the Democrats are next…..
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