Friday, September 30, 2011

The truth about Mitt Romney

There seems to be a hundred different reasons why Republicans are not warming up to Mitt Romney. I have heard everything from him being a Mormon to his healthcare plan that supposedly inspired ObamaCare to he isn’t good with people one on one, A to Z there is a laundry list of reasons. But the real reason has nothing really to do with Mitt and everything to do with the crazy fringe of the Republican Party. They want to be tough guys so they want to elect a tough guy.

This element refuses to acknowledge science, facts, reason, or logic for any issue. They cheer for the death penalty, they scream for uninsured person to be left to die, and they boo gay soldiers fighting in Iraq. They want the tough guy persona in the White House. They want the president to mirror what they want to be. Go back to 2000 and why they loved George Bush, he was a cowboy from Texas that they would love to have a beer with. They ate up his talk about tracking down and killing terrorists, they loved the idea of Jack Bauer like tactics to extract information from suspected terrorist and did not care to hear from the experts that said those tactics do not work, and they loved him landing on the carrier in the flight suit. They want to imagine this guy grabbing a rifle and mowing down terrorists himself. It’s a huge fantasy.

In 2008, they largely ignored Mitt, they rushed to Rudy Giuliani, who talked about killing terrorists and was considered America’s Mayor. He was presented as an expert on terrorism despite the fact he was the mayor of the city that suffered the biggest terror attack in our country’s history. I could see had he been the mayor of the city that stopped the biggest terrorist attack in our country’s history that he could have those credentials, but he wasn’t so to act as an expert was ridiculous and his campaign soon crashed and burned.

Then they wanted Fred Thompson, TV cop and all around tough guy. He was going to swoop in and put some law and order on Obama. But once he opened his mouth and begin to talk he put the party to sleep. So instead of Mitt, they went with war hero John McCain and his maverick gimmick, despite the fact he didn’t run a very good campaign and was showing signs of dementia.

So that brings us to 2011, the party start doesn’t want Mitt. So they talk another tough guy, cowboy, rebel governor from Texas into the race. He says things like how they would treat Ben Bernanke poorly in Texas and the reasonable people think that he sounds ridiculous, but the crazies eat it up. But after only a few weeks, his act is wearing thin on everyone except the crazies so they want New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in the race. They look at him like he is the Republican Tony Soprano.

So a race that really should be a 2 man race between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul has been clouded by these insane people. So if Mitt wants to be president, he needs to stop with the who let the dogs out and start quoting some Johnny Cash. Mitt should come out talking about his gun collection and how he loves to shoot animals. Mitt should get some cowboy boots and maybe then the Republicans will warm up to him.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A quick note to some of the crazy people….

President Obama is an American citizen.

President Obama is the legal and rightful President of the United States.

President Obama is a Christian and not some secret Muslim.

President Obama is NOT the Antichrist.

Stop being a bunch of dumb asses and if you don’t like him, organize and vote for whoever you think will do a better job. Stop with all the craziness. All the antics do is give President Obama a chance to show grace and dignity.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Democrats….


So I wonder how anyone can really identify themselves with this party? This party can not defend any position they take and will completely give in to the Republicans on any issue. How can you want to associate yourself with a party that doesn’t have the conviction to stand by their beliefs?

President Obama has lost nearly all the support of independents and rapidly losing his base, his approval is at 39%, just because he doesn’t fight for anything. He has lost every negotiation with the Republicans. 

The Democrats are spending a lot of time blaming the Bush administration for the economy and the job loss, and while he has his share of the blame, the Democrats are not innocent. It was President Clinton that singed into law the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which resulted in jobs beginning to leave. It was President Clinton that repealed Glass-Steagall which most economists believe contributed greatly to the economic fiasco. And it was President Clinton who pressured Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to extend mortgage loans to people with low and medium incomes.

President Obama ran on a single payer health care system and completely against mandates. After he cut deals with the pharmaceutical and insurance companies, we ended up with more of the same only now with mandates. That isn’t to say there is nothing good about the Obama Heath Care Plan but it sure isn’t what he ran on. We still have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, Guantanamo is still open, we still use rendition, none of the things he said he would fight for.

Look at the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill, it’s about the most corrupt and bought piece of legislation that has been forced down the American people’s throats in the past 25 years.

Democrats do a great job of trying to brand themselves as the party of inclusion; the Republicans don’t even try to bother. But in the end, they can’t fight or stand up for what they supposedly believe in. When John Kerry said its poor kids getting sent off to war to die, the Republicans just said he was degrading the troops and he completely caved. He was right. Al Gore helped in the creation of the internet and yet he allowed himself to be mocked like was a goof.

The Democrats just don’t stand for anything. And if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Republicans….

Looking at the Republican Party and the positions they take, one question comes to mind. How can anyone who is not making at least 200k a year be a member of this party? When you watch the positions they have taken, including the bank bail outs which were proposed and pushed through under George Bush, they do not care about middle class America and certainly not about the poor.

Lets go back to last December when millions of Americans were looking at their unemployment benefits running out, right before the holidays, and they blackmailed the president into extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich or they wouldn’t extend the unemployment benefits. I listen to Republicans now talking about how Obama extended the Bush tax cuts, like he had a choice. The Republicans had no problems leaving millions of Americans out in the cold (literally) if they didn’t get to take care of the rich.

The Republican budget proposal back in Feb, was an all out attack on the middle class and the poor, cutting money from Pell Grants, from Head Start, from energy assistance programs, slashing social security benefits, cutting thousands of teachers, and billions cut from job training programs. The Republicans have no problems cutting all these programs so they do not have to raise the taxes of the super wealthy one penny.

The Republicans have attacked Unions, wanting to destroy the American worker’s right to collectively bargain. They want to slash job safety inspectors, food safety inspectors, and get rid of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They want the market to regulate our environmental standards, our food, and our prescription drugs.  They want to go back to the days when you would drive past rivers that were brown. There is no doubt that these agencies need to be reformed because we have seen how special interest has bought the regulators who are supposed to be monitoring them. When you think about how BP spilled millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf, I don’t want to trust them to monitor themselves.

The Republicans want to privatize social security. Really? They want to give Wall Street access to all the social security funds. Can you imagine millions of Americans who lose their social security because of the bad gambles by Wall Street? What the uproar would be?

“Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, have introduced legislation to end a corporate tax break allowing corporations to deduct stock option expenses on their tax returns in amounts greater than the expenses shown on their books, thereby making the tax code more fair and cutting the budget deficit by $25 billion over 10 years.

“As middle class families struggle, corporations are sitting on record profits.  If we’re going to ask working families to make sacrifices to reduce our deficit, then we should be willing to ask corporations to forgo excessive tax breaks for stock options,” Brown said. “It’s time to end these corporate earmarks and reduce our deficit.”

Guess what, they are opposed by the Republicans.

As the President announced his job bill (which isn’t perfect) but most bipartisan estimates say it will raise GDP and lower the unemployment rate by a point. That is millions of people going back to work. That is middle class Americans able to provide for their families. And the Republicans are going to block it, because they would rather have Americans lose than Obama get a win.

The Republicans act as if spending 5 cents on the American people is the worst thing they have ever heard of. They had no issues with 7 plus years of billions of dollars being spent on wars and tax breaks for the rich. They had no problem with the doubling of the deficit, but now, we can’t spend any money. The Republicans had no problem with the extension of the Bush tax cuts which cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars last December. No Republicans had a problem with all that spending, except Ron Paul.  

So if you are part of the super wealthy, I can completely understand your allegiance to the Republican Party. It makes sense. They are looking out for your best interest. But for the extremely dumb Americans who get all their news from Fox News, how can you associate yourself with this party?

Do you really hate gays that much, that you will allow your future, your kid’s future, and their kid’s future to be taken away, in plain sight, just so gays can’t get married? Do you really hate other religious preferences so much that you will see your right to collective bargaining stolen from you?

This isn’t a partisan blog, the Democrats are next…..

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How dumb are some Republicans?

Seriously! Anywhere between 10-14% of Republicans polled are saying they are voting for Sarah Palin? Who isn’t even a candidate? She isn’t running folks! She is making way too much money with Fox and the 10-14% of you fools that keep her back account full.

The only thing worse than voting for Sarah Palin is attempting to vote for her when she isn’t even running!

She is comedy gold:
"All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." --Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008

"Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" --Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008

"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed." --Sarah Palin, botching the history of Paul Revere's ride, June 3, 2011

"But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." --Sarah Palin, after being asked how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Nov. 24, 2010

I know you want to go watch her crappy documentary, Undefeated, the title to the vice president runner up’s story. I guess she feels happy that she came in second place. Or go read her crappy book, but seriously, can’t the 10-14% of brain dead Republicans stop trying to be mavericks or stop thinking they are going rogue when you throw your support to arguably the dumbest, most unqualified person in recent memory.

I’m tired of this country’s habit of celebrating stupidity. It’s not cool to be dumb and ignorant. It’s the reason our country is in the shape it’s in.

And please don't take this as a Republican bashing post; this isn't a partisan post. But Sarah Palin, like The Jersey Shore, like John and Kate plus 8, like the Kardashians, like Paris Hilton, celebrate being shallow, stupid human beings.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

America is Michael Jackson?


According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), our 15-year-olds rank 17th in the world in science and 25th in math. We rank 12th among developed countries in college graduation (down from No. 1 for decades). We come in 79th in elementary-school enrollment. Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy. American health numbers are stunning for a rich country: based on studies by the OECD and the World Health Organization, we're 27th in life expectancy, 18th in diabetes and first in obesity.

The endless wars, insane tax code, and a bunch of clowns in Washington that can’t pass a budget let alone solve the many problems that threaten our country. As we rapidly approach (and quite possible have already reached) the point of no return, what can be done to turn this country back around.

I love this rant by Bill Maher and even though the fact it is nearly 2 years old, it’s still spot on.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jobs, jobs, jobs

So Thursday night the president will announce his jobs bill. He will basically announce a plan to start rebuilding infrastructure, roads, bridges, good stuff. But here is the problem. He sat on the bill since last month back in Iowa. "I'll be putting forward a very specific plan to boost the economy, to create jobs and to control the deficit," Obama said on the first day of his three-day Midwest bus tour. "And my attitude will be, 'Get it done.' "

So instead of canceling his vacation and calling back Congress to move forward on this plan to get people back to work immediately, he waited. So then he scheduled it for Sept 8, and Obama's beleaguered supporters actually got excited, thinking Obama is fighting back. He scheduled his job announcement at the same time as a fairly meaningless Republican debate. Obama supporters said he is flexing his presidential muscles and showing the Republicans who is boss.

Their excitement didn’t last long because the Republican said, no way, and Obama like he has done his entire presidency, backed down. He changed it once again to Thursday at an earlier time not to conflict with football.

So the most important issue in America, jobs, has been scheduled, rescheduled, kicked around, and postponed, kind of the same treatment the American worker has actually received. So is it any wonder why Obama’s numbers are now at all time lows. 

“After the bruising debt-ceiling fight — as well as Standard & Poor's subsequent downgrade of the nation's credit rating — Obama's job approval rating has sunk to a low of 44 percent, a 3-point drop since July. His handling of the economy stands at a low of 37 percent. And only 19 percent believe the country is headed in the right direction, the lowest mark for this president.

Perhaps most ominously for Obama, a majority of poll takers — 54 percent — think he's facing a longer-term setback from which he's unlikely to recover. Back in January, just 39 percent agreed with that assessment.”

George Bush was at 54 percent after his handling of Katrina, which is where the president is at. Katrina Bush levels. Right now the only people in worst shape than the president is the American workers.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day. Labor Day, it was the creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.

Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."

But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.

No matter who proposed the holiday, there is no doubt that we need to really celebrate the holiday and acknowledge the true meaning because the American worker is under attack and heading toward extinction.

The real unemployment rate in this country is 22%. The government keeps finding ways of not including people so they can lower the rate and the Federal Reserve can claim their tricks are working. The President has been waiting over a month for the right time politically to announce his new jobs bill. He held back announcing it until after all the crooks got in their vacation, then pushed it back a day so he didn’t interfere with the Republican debate, and then changed it again to not interfere with football. The American worker is a political football, and you know what folks, we have fumbled the ball. So enjoy your Labor Day…..while you still can. The American worker is rapidly going the way of the dinosaur.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Not-So Dream Act

    The California Bill that has been labeled the Dream Act will provide public funds to illegal immigrants to go to college.

“The legislation would still need to pass the Assembly and be signed by Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, to become law.
Proponents acknowledge that illegal immigrants who attend college are still not able to find legal employment after graduation, but they say the bill could eventually help spur the federal government to grant those students citizenship.”

So let’s not look at this from the immigration policy stand point or that this is another way the government is trying to set up paths to citizenship other than the legal path. Let’s not even look at this as a “we have to control our borders” issue. You can completely remove the politics from this and look at it as an economic issue. This is just bad economics.

President Obama’s budget plans and discussions on how the “Super Congress” plans to deal with the debt issue all have Pell Grants being cut. When legal citizens are not able to afford college and can not access funds to attend, how can you put the tax payers on the hook to pay for illegal immigrants to go to college?

“The latest bill would go into effect in 2013 and could cost the California budget about $40 million a year, but not all of that would go to immigrants because some legal residents from other states could qualify for the funds as well, according to an analysis prepared for a state Senate committee.”

California is in a serious debt crisis, they have the lowest credit rating among the 50 states and they want to use tax payer money to pay for college for illegal immigrants? In 2010, JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon warned California was a bigger risk than Greece. In July 2011, California went out to private investors for 5.4 billion in loans fearing a government shutdown. This state is in horrible financial shape, they are cutting services for residents, cutting pay and laying off state workers, and yet they want to take tax payer money and pay for illegal immigrants’ college tuition. And they are calling this The Dream Act….I wish it was a dream.

This is just another example of how mismanaged our country is and how special interest buys laws and public policy; at the same time regular, hard working citizens are have the American Dream turned into the American Nightmare.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finally some good news

August marked the first month since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that no American forces have died, according to an Associated Press tally.

Figures compiled by the AP show that no American forces died in Iraq in August either in combat or non-combat related situations, a significant achievement in a conflict that has claimed the lives of 4,474 American service members since it began.

This war has gone on far too long and cost way too much. But an entire month where not one American solider died in Iraq is great news.