We have Wall Street and corporate goons who have snatched up the wealth in this country. The wealth distribution gap is at an all time high. Chief Executive Officers are making 185 times the salary that the regular working is making (more than any other country) and they make that for doing a terrible job. This country isn’t making anything anymore? These guys are gutting their company and sending jobs overseas just so they can have a better quarterly report. A spreadsheet is now more important than the American worker – an American life.
When the top brass from the nation’s failing car industry went to Congress begging for a bailout, they flew there in private jets. This is the arrogance these sociopaths have, and yes, they are sociopaths. They have no remorse for any injury or harm inflicted upon workers, as long as they can have their perks. I would like to see how arrogant they would be when we line them up and use the guillotine, while the American worker chants “off with their heads.”
We have a Congress that can not solve problems. They are bought and paid for by special interest which allows corporations to continue their abuse of American wealth. The Congress currently has an 86% disapproval rating. They continue to use social wedge issues to divide the country and exploit that division so corporations can receive bailouts, tax breaks, and a pass to purchase any legislation they can afford. After BP dumped millions of gallons of oil in the Gulf, they spent over 20 million lobbying Congress and they keep on going, business as usual. Congress spends hours upon hours performing political theater, but what would they be doing if we were lining them up for the guillotine?
Change in this country will not come from an election, we are too far gone. It will only come from Revolution and the American people coming together to chant “off with their heads.”
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